What are kettlebells?
- Solid cast iron balls with a thick handle and flat bottom.
- Sizes range from 10 lbs to 106 lbs.
- Originally from Russia.
Why kettlebells?
- Efficiency — hand held gym
- Improves sports performance
- Whole body workout
- Best core and back strengthener
- Can’t be beat for fat loss
- Great for heart and lungs
- Better balance and flexibility
Who can use kettlebells?
- You and your mother (if your ego can handle it).
- Athletes and Musicians
- Children and their parents or grandparents
- Men and Women
- Politicians and Plumbers
- Website designers and the women they love
- …
A better question is…
Who can’t use kettlebells?
- I don’t have an answer for that one. Anyone could use a kettlebell, however, some populations (i.e. pregnant women, people with heart conditions) will not be able to do every exercise.
So if everyone can use them and I’m a serious athlete, why would I choose a kettlebell?
- See improves sports performance under Why kettlebells? and wouldn’t you like a physique like this?
I’m not a serious athlete. Why would I choose a kettlebell?
- See everything else under Why kettlebells?.